The Dulwich Players is a society open to anyone sharing our interest in amateur theatre regardless of race, colour, nationality, ethnic or national origin, gender, gender reassignment, marital or civil partnership status, pregnancy or maternity, sex or sexual orientation, age, disability, religion or belief, party political views or socio-economic status.
This policy sets out our approach to equal opportunities and the avoidance of discrimination. Our committee has overall responsibility for the effective operation of this policy, and we ask that all members do what they can to help make sure the policy works in practice.
All of our members and ticket holders have the right to be treated fairly, equitably and with respect and we are committed to to promoting equality of access, equality of treatment and equality of opportunity throughout the activities of the society within the limits of our resources and experience.
We will consider very carefully all feedback and take reasonable steps to respond to suggestions and complaints as quickly as we can.
Equality of Access
The Dulwich Players will, wherever reasonable and possible, try to meet the access requirements of all our members and ticket holders. We can normally produce papers and scripts in large fonts for those with visual impairments. If you are disabled or become disabled, we encourage you to tell us about your condition so that we can consider what other reasonable adjustments or support may be appropriate.
Equality of Treatment
The Dulwich Players is committed to equal treatment of all our members and ticket holders (and we ask that all our suppliers abide by an equal opportunities policy too).
We do not allow victimisation or harassment.
Equality of Opportunity
We acknowledge that casting decisions may be based on the requirements of a script. Whenever possible, we will work with rights holders to achieve equality of opportunity.
However, equality of opportunity does not just apply to casting decisions. We will also aim for equality of opportunity when seeking new members, committee members, and when selecting the creative team and volunteers for backstage and front of house.
When appropriate, we will take positive steps to meet the needs of under-represented communities, especially when making invitations to our events and productions.
Anti-discrimination procedure
The Dulwich Players will not tolerate harassment or other unlawful discriminatory behaviour, whether physical or verbal and will ensure that appropriate action is taken whenever it occurs.
Any person guilty of unacceptable behaviour may be asked to leave the meeting, event or production, may be suspended from office or any appointment or role, and may be banned from being a member of the Dulwich Players. We reserve a right to take other appropriate action as our committee deems fit.
Complaints Procedure
In the event that any person feels that they have suffered unfair discrimination in any way, we ask that the following procedure be followed:
1. The matter should be reported to the Chair. The report should include as much detail about the nature, time and place of the objectionable behaviour as possible.
2. Please include any suggestions on how the situation can be addressed to your satisfaction.
3. The Committee will consider the complaint as soon as is practicable. You will be kept informed about the decision-making processes and actions taken. A record will be archived by the Secretary.
4. All information will normally be treated confidentially but any allegation of a criminal offence, or any safeguarding concerns, will be passed to the appropriate authorities depending on the nature of the incident.
This Policy is dated 1st March 2021 and is due for review 1st March 2024